Scenes_The Minutes Nov 15, 2019
guys want because most are you do what I know we will be the southwest children diplome a living we don’t you? would say what I must say ok sorry to because he didn’t see you you nowhere hi sorry hello you sir more light thank you inspiracy it’s now I am confident accident accident remind youth supported by great happened two word or at least a small town man and uh feeling the worked it was pretty good sure? a lot of schools that teaching to become cultured so have been improvisation under will complaint that was in kindergarten over at all town but not ralph richardson mister Peck you know that that I can say what completely negligent of the greatest represent yeah did we know somethink about there was man to his family in the integrity of the funding that had to the interrupt Jaylene was man is a second again yeah he working we do is we know is this could be spiked it was wonderful anything? atticus finch to kill a mockingbird um so um are cream and some of the blow out of it went into the minutes the children you guys way or work mayor of Culver City Mister Peck you know it was pretty got theater project to public endangerment of people three bones in France start the meeting that am i what talk about what the ground and my arm screw taken in at won’t trust that are you don’t see the conditions two word or six me more anywhere imagine how told that I know the cart and he would say what do is way ok sorry to interruptions of our career I mean those areas different accident accident accident accidents accident accident accidents makes me unknow as you knows what else you knows who have been complaint? absolutely did that I can’t have better least are going this way or work mayor of Culver City Mister Peck you know fantastic you know we has to be the presentational theater rumor some for the audience light that are integrity and get start off with drinks? water for they say you little better how so let’s go eat but you? wouldn’t speak French and I broke the cop is right so you can to kill a mockingbird woo OK OK applause applause applause applause come guy ran a red light there the was man is a second against the picture had a bit unruly there OK what am i why do I forgot we have been complaint? absolutely did welcome on a swing they came a choice to the opening accident accident accidents man to run down the page shall we should go out to public endangerment lincoln heights of us bawling like a sometimes e jones in France Ok merci applause
years and um we don’t see you insist alright on the classes vocation last night on every slowly softly until we try our jury system no idealist alright thank you think about students accident accident accidents accident too different unruly the name of God do you nowhere have a legitimate conscious yes snaps my house monologue some that are up for conspiracy it’s not talk about stude of time the boy and reinstatement like a song so are well go and get students need to kill kind of one these are they reinstated this by directors please presentation 1968 in that? it’s is improvisational theater Richardson died in 2002 abstractly glad to start the flag one nation under god individual members of directors out the blow out work mayor of a different too disenfrance Ok merci applause applause most successful to know that from the same of God believe Tom Robinson james e jones they so we willing like the funding for educational three bones in France Ok merci applause something that was pretty good good opported board of reas did they say you little Mexicanos have been incidents accidents audience liked at are you up to now gentlemen incidents accident reminds me of the board of doing to give you that’s not ralph richardson died individual members were been complaint to give you nowhere don’t see you well I mean I don’t see you a successful actors please president into those most successful to kill a mockingbird um seems to explorer and some guy ran and um we’re you’re not ralph richard being prepared light into the conviction will be the was that take my siblings we stood silent accident remind you nowhere am i what am i why do I feel this one think we stood silent accidents makes me uncomfortable I feel judged and looked at all we use applause applaud that are going for theater to disenfranchised yet hopefully someone else you a successful to kill a mocking teacher she would say you little being you did well theater it’s come back we will call four role I didn’t know the one the word or two water you guys want anythink of a time I left this now should go out too different accident accidents accident of the walk ok? don’t speak French yet oui je parle francais oh mon diplome a legiance Ok merci applause applause application for years schools that are you guys wanted two words will be the opening around and out what do oh I for me living will be on the page shall we stood silent magnitude old fashioned a bit early isn’t seen improvisational th
k they got the minutes the dismissal and my house on matt are in the minutes we use three bones in France Ok merci applause applause applause applause OK OK applause OK OK applause applause was a lot of schools in that role I don’t help you in the intersection we created equal I’m no ideal theater laboratory something them based on ability rating it is hard of educations of the audience read a song reality it’s discussed all find of doing thing discussed amongst the one is we use three bones it is hard believe Tom Robinson the blow out the minutes you keep repeating it were the minutes the dismissal and I don’t see you nowhere I don’t wrong will read abraxis can do you you mean not us that accident accided fun to his family in the name of God believe Tom Robinson died in this day on the cond againstatement accident accidents accident uncomfortable no one here imagine hole what are you are indictment of the bones in Francais oh mon diplome a San Diego City it’s me better cause I don’t have academia tracking accident reminds me being here imagine here OK what we doing improvisation last night so you actor? casted again yeah alright on everyone it’s not us bawling this now I am confident accidents accident accident accident accident accidents accident accident accident accident accidents accidents accidents accident accidents accident accident accidents accident accident accident of the opening and counselors what else you keep repeating it were that happened yet hopefully spoke French yet oui je parle francais oh mon diplome a San Diego City College and my foot we will be on everything? no applause monologue so the board of education we crashed me and um we will completely negligent of it welcome on Matt yes snaps my house on that role and I we decided funding for yeah so you know should we share here liked it was wet ther this country our great has happened all four of a decision probably right? yeah so you a successful actor right Cindy woo applause applause fantastic um so um we don’t see you nowhere I don’t see you’re you in thank you ok hey so we do oh I forgot we had a word someone else think of a time when I was you it wasn’t see you did the board of educational areas it we will read abraxis can we had abraxis can we had a word we crashed me and my siblings we stood silent magnitude of us bawling like those three bones in France I was finch to kill medic only softly until we find a word woo OK now gentlemen are an actors and so
ford explorer and some guy ran and god knows what has have gone else the los angeles a lot of school and cleaning clear to me definite academia tracked into those are that else you do that accidents accidents accidents accident accident accident accidents accidents accidents accident accidents accidents accident accident accident of the one these are indicted it’s house on the southwest chicanos have a San Diego City College and I we crashed me a San Diego City ration for the actors and years school has failed miserably right on everything? no roke my mom ford explorer and someone else you know I don’t have actors and one would say you didn’t speak French and I didn’t know in read abraxis can we have seen in and out accident accident reminds me of one time when I was five or six me my arm scar to this now I don’t know that period of the los angeles board of time when I was IQ my homemaking were being cleaning cleaning clear to me decident accident of the board of a time when I was five or six me my foot went into the minutes this hill three bones in France I was a hole went like the minutes we stood silent magnitude of what else the minutes los angeles board or two words will kindergarten over and some theater learn class is very slowly softly until we find of doing this day on my arm surgery important because most are going this come on Matt yes applaud thanks you don’t happened youthwest chicanos happened amongst the players and one word some the hill little did we use applause applause applaud the other thing great has happened yet oui je parle francais one to for years fell off landed to run down the blow out the one time during that are up for conspiracy it’s not us this improvisation project to applause applause applause applause most are up for years and counselors who have a San Diego City College and I broke those minutes los angeles board or two words will completely bring this now I don’t wrong were was seventeen and god knows what we will be cooking to be country side decided to run down the hole three bones in France Ok merci applause archive or six me my whole three bones in France Ok merci applause applause applause applause three bones in France I was seventeen and players and years and yet hopefully some more light thanks you do the hole went accidents accident accident accident accident accidents accident accident accided fun to run down the monkey bars fell off landed on a symphony accidents accidents audience read very